
Growing as much food on as little land for as little money as possible

Things are looking good in the dome.


Despite the fact that I have done nothing in the dome over the winter things are happening all on their own.

The passion fruit is in flower and I have noticed dozens of fruit forming.

I have also noticed something interesting happening in the center the kiwi fruit flowers. I really hope we have kiwi fruit this year.

2017-05-04 08.55.44

The olive is in full flower and the fig trees are looking good. Hopefully we will get more figs this year.

2017-05-04 08.56.05

I have neglected the allotment over the last few months due to pressures at work etc but I am planning on spending the weekend there sorting it out.

We are not going to be growing an awful lot this year as we just don’t have the time but I am going to see if I can complete the fence and build some more beds for next year and sort the paths out so I can reduce maintenance.

More soon



Author: tinyallotment

Dedicated to living a simple, independent, self reliant life where money is not the main factor. My dream is to engineer a life that requires very little from the outside world. I would like to provide my own shelter, collect my own water, grow, catch, hunt, forage my own food, create my own energy and deal with my own waste. This dream all starts in a tiny allotment in Cornwall where I will be experimenting in growing food, generating energy and dealing with waste.

3 thoughts on “Things are looking good in the dome.

  1. Wow, that looks great Paul – is that edible passion fruit? Any chance of some seeds?
    That does look like an embryo kiwi fruit, but too soon to know whether it’s going to develop or not. What sort is it? My kiwi Jenny took several years to flower in our polytunnel, but has done so for the last two years – just budding up now – we’re a bit behind you.

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